Crusader kings 2 plus steamworkshop
Crusader kings 2 plus steamworkshop

crusader kings 2 plus steamworkshop

Non-nomadic rulers will have special options for combating nomads, such as constructing forts in wild enemy lands.Over a hundred new events add extra color and flair to the Steppes and Central Asia.Also, the ruler’s power must be balanced against the interests of the various Clans within the realm (Clans are not normal vassals, but rather distinct families and factions within the nomad group). These function in a radically different way from sedentary societies - you manage populations instead of holdings, and armies are raised based on population size. Nomadic government available for steppe cultures.New Central Asian cultures: Tarim Basin and large parts of Mongolia added to map.New events and decisions: berserkers, sejdr, curses, omens, divinations, runestones and much more.Christians and Muslims can dispatch missions to convert the depraved heathens.Rebels with a Cause: Rebels are no longer a faceless menace – they are now led by characters with agendas.Prepared Invasions: Declare your intention to invade and watch your armies grow with adventurers and restless warriors, but don't wait too long to start your war or it might all fall apart.Adventurers: Landless characters can gather armies and carve out new realms on their own.Play as a Zoroastrian lord and restore your ancient religion to prominence.The Viking Rurik has founded the kingdom of Rus and the Great Heathen Army under the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok rampage through England. The new, earliest start date is 867 AD.If you remain at peace for too long, your people will grow restless. Play as a Pagan chieftain and ravage your weak neighbors.Unique Clothes and ship models for Republics (also ship models for Viking, Byzantine and Muslim).Survive feuds with other Patrician families and plot to seize Trade Posts from your rivals new Plot and many special events for characters in the Republics.Compete in the Doge elections, compensating for lack of age and Prestige by investing money in your campaign fund.Improve your Trade Posts and your prestigious Family Palace with dozens of unique new buildings.and defend it against rival Patricians, Republics and greedy feudal lords. Build Trade Posts and expand your Mercantile empire by controlling the sea lanes and the coasts of Europe.As the head of a Patrician family, you must guide your Republican dynasty through fortune and misfortune in a world dominated by kings and emperors.Experience a new and different type of game by playing as one of the great Merchant Republics: Venice, Genoa, Pisa, the Hanseatic League or Gotland.Improve Your Ruler: You can now actively strive to improve your skills or traits through the new Self Improvement Ambitions.Explore Byzantine Events & Decisions: Legacy of Rome includes many specific events & decisions to make the Byzantine Empire come alive.More commander traits are now added to increase the importance of your choice of military leaders. Leader Focus: Appoint your generals wisely, their traits & skills are now of vital importance on the field of battle.Streamlined Mobilization: You will always raise a single, larger levy from your direct vassal no need to worry about the opinions of the lower vassals.Appoint Orthodox Patriarchs: Orthodox kingdoms and empires can now control their own heads of religion instead of being dependent on the patriarch of Constantinople.Disgruntled vassals will now band together in revolt against your rule. Experience Factional Revolts: No more easily defeated rebellions.Raise Standing Armies: You will now be able to use retinues to have standing armies in your domain.Explore the Intricate Faction System: Join a faction to put pressure on your liege and to keep track of factions in your own realm.– If you are wondering about the question mark flags everywhere, there are currently no flags for many areas. The lords of Dorne are now in revolt against the Tyrells only, giving them a chance of winning. – Rebalanced the Conquest of Dorne scenario. – Ironborn may now have to duel wielders of valyrian blades to steal them whilst raiding They can also ask nearby rulers for funding. Adventurers now usually require gold to accumalate an army, the size of which increases the wealthier they are. Characters now match up in duel-like jousts. We’ve also tried to make the various Westerosi regions slightly more unique by varying the troop composition found in each region. Some recent ‘World of Ice and Fire’ extracts have allowed us to expand our history setup, detailed changes are found below. There are lots of small changes in this update.

Crusader kings 2 plus steamworkshop